Prosthetics will soon be purchased in vending machines alongside chocolate bars. Stem-Cell and cloning technologies will be as common as contact lenses. Eyesight already has been restored by replacing cells from the limbus, the ring around the cornea, of people who have been blind for a lifetime. Beyond this miracle, technology has recently delivered vision beyond normal limbus limits: ocular implant relaying digital signal. The lines between cosmetics, restoration, extraordinariness and unbridled decadence will blur. The ability for someone to restore a burned arm, use an arm calibrated for performing Mozart or one engineered to mimic snake tail behaviour will produce exciting opportunities.
Client lists include commissions, portraits, dance documentation, concert documentation, private instruction and personal projects. Once images have been screened and post-produced, they remain on this site in a client-specific password-protected area. Interested parties are encouraged to use the contact link to initiate a dialogue. Every suggestion/request will be considered with focus before a decision is made.