Trivia + Sale Price + BTS

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Trivia + Sale Price + BTS • • • • • • • 

The 1 - 2 - 3 of BIG DISCOUNT for this work on the wall at Triple Bottom

  1. Go to my site’s special purchase page for this individual work

  2. Enter the discount code “3BB2” to receive a complimentary thousand dollar discount

  3. Fill in credit card (apple pay, etc.) information - this is using the trusted squarespace engine.

This price is even lower than the next size down on my site. If this is above your budget limit at this time, the smallest price for the smallest size can be purchased by visiting my ‘purchase here’ menu and navigating to the proper selection.

Some fun facts :

  • Heavily touristy, we took many photos in between throngs of people passing between us. (Blue Ridge Mountains - Craggy Trail)

  • One person passing through said he remembered this tree from when he was a kid - and the tree was upright - !

  • While it does not always happen this way, this was the very last shot - we all just knew that was the one.